直播 #109185445

01:11 > 4
  • 等級 11
  • 粉絲 7

My name is Ryan Scott Adams and I am a dangerous man of G_D. I use my G_D given abilities in the creative realm to illuminate greatness in the Body of Christ. My sole purpose in life is to be used by G_D and see to it that the Local Church is flourishing to its fullest capacity in every facet. I love people, without people you have nothing, no need for a Savior. I love the church with all that I am. I Love my local church: Rhema Bible Church USA. I love my parents. I love my brother, who is the reason I am also a Revolutionary. My name is Ryan Adams and I am a nation shaker. I burn with passion to see people come to know Christ in a different light each day. The Ministry, My status, my fame does not define my life. My actions to LOVE unconditionally and serve My King "King Jesus" is the standard of my existence... "I know two things to be true: I was a great sinner and Christ is a great savior."
I LOVE people for who they are not for what they can offer me. I truly care about people, and have a heart for humanity. I am not interested in an emerging church but a church that has already emerged from the foundation of Christ Jesus, built upon the rock, and fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am about as real as you are going to get, I don't like to puff myself up in what I do and accomplish, but I will not refuse to show the world what G_D has given me... because when the day ends and all is pretty much over its His name that will be lifted high for the world to see. I am not an Evangelist, I am not a Pastor, I am not a Prophet, I am not a Teacher, I am not an Apostle.... I AM A REVOLUTIONARY READY FOR CHANGE IN MY GENERATION AND FOR GENERATIONS TO COME...