
Before Starting a Collabo

To prevent echoing and noise, please use headphones or earphones.

iOS: Live app v5.390 or above, Viewer app v5.531 or above
Android: v5.520 or above

If you are streaming collabo from a PC, please check the recommended environment for PC collabo streaming.

Getting Started with Collabo

Starting a stream


Tap on the live settings on the right side of the streaming screen > Streaming mode > Check "Enable call for requests when live start" is on.

Approving Collabo Requests


Select "Web beoadcasting" or "Use Streaming software" under "Broadcast" > Collabo > Enable "Accept TwitCasting Call requests" to receive collabon requests while streaming.
You can switch collabo on/off at any time during streaming.

Disconnecting from Collabo

Ending Collabo

  • To end collabo, tap on the user icon or avatar in the streaming screen and select "End Collabo."
  • If you don't want to receive collabo requests from specific viewers, you can add them to the "Block User" list.

Setting Up the Auto-Approval List

If you add account IDs to the auto-approval list, collabo requests from those accounts will be automatically approved.


Tap on the live settings on the right side of the streaming screen > Collabo Settings > Auto-Approval List > Enter the account ID with "@" and save it.


Select "Web broadcasting" or "Use streaming software" under "Broadcast" > Collabo > Edit the auto-approval list to make settings.

Participating in Collabo

Before requesting to join collabo, please make sure you are logged in to the TwitCasting Viewer app.

Sending a Request


Tap on the icon in the center right of the streaming screen to send a collabo request.
(Note: The icon is displayed only when the streamer has enabled collabo.)


Click the "Join" button at the bottom right of the streaming screen, select "Collabo Request," and choose "Request." After the broadcaster approves the request, collaboration can begin.

  • If you stream and join collaboration simultaneously on the same device, the connection may become unstable.
  • It's recommended to use headphones when joining collaboration.
  • When joining collaboration on PC without using headphones, turn on "Echo Removal."

Sending Notifications

Collaborators can send notifications to users who have registered their accounts for notification. One notification can be sent per stream.


Enable the toggle for "Push Notifications" below the comment section to send notifications when commenting.


Check the "Push Notifications" box below the comment section to send notifications when commenting.

Setting Up Your Avatar

You can display the avatar image you set up on the streaming screen.


Tap live settings on the streaming screen > Collabo settings > Avatar settings, upload an image file, and save the settings.


You can change your avatar by going to your icon > Account menu > Avatar settings.
