Comentarios (15)

I don't think anyone could have portrayed gus the way u did. #remember sunday
Hi zach, i just watched remember sunday. It was truly amazing. thank u for doing it
I unfortunately live in Oregon, but i have watched the clip of in love with you ALLOT. Luv it! Luv u!
Great job in First Date and I look forward to getting tickets to your next Broadway show!
he ohhh chuck whats up
Saw the show on Thursday 7/25.  It was great and everyone was great including the ensemble!
Well it was nice for the time it lasted! :)
Break a leg! Hoping to see the First Date crew in December!
it's gone offline straight away, am i the only one or?
hope i can make it out to broadway before the shows over
happy belated bday to krysta. we have same bday!!
break a leg guys! cant wait to see it in sept!
Moi! I'm live on TwitCasting from my iPad. Pre show lovin!