EVENT 歌声を聴かせて🎤ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん 【歌い手フェス】6/23まで応募受付中!

ライブ #649313731

01:00 what should I do? 02:27 some 03:23 outside 04:21 I'm here 04:42 no to the street 05:08 yes I had a party 05:31 we had candy 05:48 his name is umo 06:20 I have a twitter 06:35 me too 07:49 that was my cousin 08:22 your welcome! 14:11 oh sorry! 14:44 haha I could help teach you 16:12 yes I am going there in 2 years 18:33 goodbye

ライブ #649313731

01:00 what should I do? 02:27 some 03:23 outside 04:21 I'm here 04:42 no to the street 05:08 yes I had a party 05:31 we had candy 05:48 his name is umo 06:20 I have a twitter 06:35 me too 07:49 that was my cousin 08:22 your welcome! 14:11 oh sorry! 14:44 haha I could help teach you 16:12 yes I am going there in 2 years 18:33 goodbye
18:46 > 29