INFO 学生でも収益化!メンシプU開設で「お茶爆25」が期間限定で登場🍵✨ EVENT 歌声を聴かせて🎤ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん 【歌い手フェス】6/23まで応募受付中!

コメント (21)

I have to apologize to u, some times it's hard for me to hear u in the noisy train, so I have to concentrate, sorry
What is the good point? I mean how does it sound for u?
BTW, do u like Japanese language?
I'm gonna ask some other guy or google it
I can't stop sweating after walking outside, hew
Do u know the Japanese title?
How about u? r u busy?
They are busy preparing moving to America, so they need my help.
I have a special client who wants me on the weekend, I'm a nunny,