댓글 (755)

não entendi o que você quer dizer kkk
mas elas são interesseiras tambem
yeah eveyone likes independent people
he offered to pay ticket for me for barcelona lmfao
@c:daybreaks just the shitty ones.
damn chill i get my own money and on our date i paid half
in the end wonen choose money....
this music is so old, you have to update it man wwww
no he likes me more
@c:daybreaks Good morning, I'm going to drink more in some minutes
he straight as hell
and he had my first kiss lmfao
るーかすかす おはよう
わいん 飲みすぎおとこ!
porra, se aquilo é feia eu sou um demonio
he is a gentlemannnn
generalização foda ne kkk
i dont care bout money but he rich meaning he has a cool job