EVENT \ワンコーラスで魅力を伝えて/ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん「歌い手フェスvol.1」参加募集中🎤 EVENT 参加賞追加❣『PUBG:BATTLEGROUNDS』× ツイキャスEsports ゲーム大会 EVENT 6/14(金) 22:30〜👻🎬REC/レック 無料放送!

コメント (103)

I was looking at the song
I like missed everything
lol specific thot I see
sounds like a thot must be a thot
>,> didnt sound very sarcastic and your throat hurts
you get around dam bro I'm still a virgin over here
he probably think you dont like him now lol
stop being a tsundere