INFO 学生でも収益化!メンシプU開設で「お茶爆25」が期間限定で登場🍵✨ EVENT 歌声を聴かせて🎤ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん 【歌い手フェス】6/23まで応募受付中!
Advanced Tech
Tech Collaboration


128 1
Closing Remarks for #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching Day 2 #fhuedtech
177 1
Harnessing the Potential of Deeper Learning: An Equity Imperative #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching Day 2 #fhuedtech
205 1
Future Opportunities for Individualized Learning: The Every Student Succeeds Act and Beyond #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching Day 2 #fhuedtech
239 1
Individualized Student Learning, Part 2 #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching Day 2 #fhuedtech
267 1
Individualized Student Learning, Part 1 #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching Day 2 #fhuedtech
161 11
Deeper Learning, Part 2 #COT2016  Intentionality of Individualized Support
145 32
Deeper Learning, Part 1 #COT2016  goodbye ~ thanks for listening in
198 1
Context & Definition of Individualized Learning, Part 2 #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching #fhuedtech
180 1
Context & Definition of Individualized Learning, Part 1 #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching #fhuedtech
153 1
Welcome and Intro of #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching #fhuedtech
168 1
My intro to #COT2016  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Chicago at the Conference on Teaching #fhuedtech
21 1
Our Relationship with God - Lesson 7  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPad from Graymere church of Christ ~ Our Relationship with God
11 1
#TNIT16 - A Passion for the Possible: How a Tech Culture Can Influence the Organization's Bottom Line  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Nashville IT Symposium ~ #ISTEAPLN #fhuedtech
35 1
#TNIT16 - 11 Secrets of Engaged Employees, Part 2  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Nashville IT Symposium ~ #ISTEAPLN #fhuedtech
60 1
#TNIT16 - 11 Secrets of Engaged Employees, Part 1  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Nashville IT Symposium ~ #ISTEAPLN #fhuedtech
7 1
#TNIT16 - Interview with Redhat  I'm live on TwitCasting on my iPhone from Nashville IT Symposium ~ #ISTEAPLN #fhuedtech