Radio #212717745

Aso Kotalo @f:100001167022830
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評論家、作詞家。リス評論家。大阪市生まれ。東大文学部在学中から、森進一、小柳ルミ子、野口五郎、小林幸子、榊原郁恵、五木ひろし、八代亜紀、新沼謙治、倍賞千恵子、TM NETWORKなどに作品を提供。演歌作詞家を志すも演歌消滅で断筆宣言。日経エンタテインメント創刊メンバーに加わり、以降エンタテインメントジャーナリストに転身。音楽・映画・演劇・テレビを20年以上に渡って全ジャンルの業界を横断的にウオッチし続けている。連載では、松本人志上京後の出版分野担当。小室哲哉、イノッチ、本谷有希子、田村淳、連載プロデュース。


Critic and lyricist. Squirrel critic. It was born in Osaka-City,JAPAN. Famous Japanese Singers,Shinichi Mori, Rumiko Koyanagi, Goro Noguchi, Sachiko Kobayashi, Ikue Sakakibara, Hiroshi Itsuki, Aki Yashiro, Kenji Niinuma and Chieko Baisho, TM NETWORK during the University of Tokyo literature department student.
A Japanese song lyricist,but 80s,Enka disappeared,and so
giving up writing lyrics is declared by Japanese song extinction. I dodge to an entertainment journalist after it's added to Nikkei entertainment first publication member. I keep crossing music, a movie, a drama and a television in more than 20 and watching industry of all genres in crossing way. The publication field charge after Hitoshi Matsumoto(Downtown) . Inocchi~V6 Yoshihiko Inohara~,London-Boots 2go Atsushi Tamura.

The new publication "Who can rescue J - POP?" (Asahi Shimbun publication 2014)'pocket diary of child leading role industry,showbusiness and J pop business" (jyoho center  publication office) "Key of million seller J-pop songs" (Nikkei BP) "Japanese entertainment report" (diamond publishing and Aso =theory filling in a book: