f:Andreas Klamm's Live

Andreas Klamm @f:10207002395204770
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Andreas Klamm - Sabaot, French-German Journalist, broadcast journalist, independent television, radio and film producer since 1984 and author of 10 books written in the English and German language and published. www.radiotvinfo.org

Music producer, Musiciain composer, singer, song writer, Keyboardist.

More information available on www.andreas-klamm.de, www.andreasklammsabaot.com and www.andreasklamm.wordpress.com.

French - German Journalist, broadcast journalist and author of nine books, director and founder of IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty (1986), supporting international understanding since 1986. Co-Founder of MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 (in co-operation with Reverend Yawovi Nyonato, Lome, Togo, Africa). Founder of 3mnewswire.org (1984, international news wire with text, photos, radio and television programs in English, German and French), British Newsflash Magazine (1986, travel and news), Rundfunk- und Programmarbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Film, Funk und Fernsehen (1984, independent television and radio producers) and co-founder of the international media project Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters (www.humanrightsreporters.wordpress.com / www.menschenrechtsreporter.blogspot.com)

Andreas Klamm is working since 1984 as a journalist, broadcast journalist, author, independent television, radio and film producer. As a secondary profession in 1993 he became also a registered nurse (R.N.) in Germany and was working in Germany and in the United Kingdom as a nurse (R.N.) and even as an ITU nurse for the Clementine Churchill Hosptial in London, England, United Kingdom.

Since 1984 he is working as journalist, broadcast journalist for the independent, alternative, international media where he is realizing television and radio projects which he can not publish in the main stream media which he was and is working for also such as newspapers like the Tagespost (Speyer, Germany, = Daily Mail), Morgenpost (Speyer, = Morning Post), ddp Deutscher Depeschen Dienst (huge news wire service in Germany), Wochenblatt Mannheim (weekly paper) and other media.

In the year 2008 and 2009 five books, three books in Germany and until Februar 2009 two books in France by the journalist and author Andreas Klamm have been published.

The journalist and broadcast journalist is also working for other international media such as Grace MedCare Ltd., London, United Kingdom, (Media and Health Care Service, international) papers and newspapers in the English, German and French language.

For some of his television productions the independent television, radio and film producer got awards, honors and promotions already in 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 by a state department for political education in Germany. After 2000 he has received current recommendations by state institutes in Germany and by private companies.

The author and journalist believes like the award winning journalist, broadcast journalist and author, Amy Goodman from Democracy NOW! (www.democracynow.org ) that there needs to be an other answer then war.

Andreas Klamm bekannt auch als Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist, Autor, Schriftsteller, Buch-Autor von 11 veröffentlichten Büchern, Radio-Produzent, Fernseh-Produzent, Moderator, Korrespondent, Nachrichten-Korrespondent, Verleger, Herausgeber seit 1984, staatlich geprüfter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, Rettungssanitäter, Bürokaufmann (IHK) arbeitet und wirkt beruflich mehrgleisig in mehreren Berufs-Bereichen. Für die Fernseh-Produktionen und Radio-Produktionen als Produzent und Moderator nutzt Andreas Klamm-Sabaot auch mehrere Künstlernamen, die zum Teil auch im Reisepass und Personalausweis eingetragen sind, unter anderem Uli Setz, Andrew Wellington, Andy und weitere Namen. Andreas Klamm ist Gründer von RPF Rundfunk- und Programmarbeitsgemeinschaft für Film, Funk und Fernsehen (1984), IFN International Family Network d734 (1984), Vorderpfalz aktuell und Stadtmagazin Ludwigshafen, Radio- Fernseh- und Online-Magazine (1984), Radio TV IBS Liberty, IBS TV Liberty, IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (1986), 3mnews.org, 3mnewswire.org (1986), Regionalhilfe.de, freie Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medien- und Hilfe-Projekte (2006), Liberty and Peace NOW ! Human Rights Reporters, internationales Medien-Projekt für Menschenrechte (2008), ISMOT International Social And Medical Outreach Team (2008), oterapro.org / oterapro.de, Radio, Fernsehen, Nachrichten, Medien und Informationen (2001), bragersonet Brazilian German Solidarity Network (2015), irscglobal International Refugee Support Community (2015), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Soziale Sicherheit (2015) und andere Firmen und Medien-Projekte.