(삭제 중)

  • 레벨 1
  • 서포터 0
Attention - Metal Bands!
Our mission is to not only be a voice for the local and global music industry but also a station designed for established online based metal bands.

Help us bring exposure for your MySpace or website to the public through our broadcast.

We offer you this incredible opportunity via .mp3 submissions to the station and provide live participation announcing information about your band to the listener through our show.

It's quick and easy - give it a try!
Our purpose to have you become a part of our association is an excellent way to "Get the word out".

Leaf Pile Radio - instead of taking what the industry has been trying to force feed you, you now have the freedom and power to determine what music will continue to entertain you. The freedom of choice has been more abundant and readily available. It's just a click away..

Become involved with this great broadcast today!!
To learn more about our exciting opportunity contact us.