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Book recommendations

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Angel ~Eara~ LoveLight

You are worthy

You are worthy
Worthy of feeling free
Free to be yourself
Free to be who you want to be

You are worthy
as you are perfect as who you are
You don't need anyone's approval
You don't need someone to tell you
who you are and who you need to be

You are worthy
To be loved for who you are
For you are an interesting person
For you have your own unique ways

You are worthy
To be cared for
To be respected
and cherished

You are worthy no matter what
as you are who you are,
The unique and interesting you

There can only be one as you,
Don't ever think different as you are worthy

Who Are You

A name is just a name
A label that is giving by others
They all are meaningless to me

A face is just a face
Outside appearances is just a mask

A job is just a job
It still doesn't say who you are
It is changeable like life is changeable

Words are just words
Words can lie, words can be so confusing
and can be misled by different approaches

But who are you?
Who are you really from the inside
The pure and deepest part that makes you you?

Do you really know yourself?
Like people always think they know all and everything?
While they don't even know themselves?

I would like to know you
The you that comes from within
The you without a label, without a mask
The you that is pure with wisdom of the source

So who are you?

Your Gemstone is Amethyst

Dignified, impressive, and wise.You have a deeply spiritual soul

What Gemstone Are You?

You Are the Heart Chakra

You are loving, kind, and empathetic.
You feel for the world, and you truly value peace.
You have many close relationships, and you work hard to make them harmonious.

You are accepting and understanding.
You are tolerant of all sorts of viewpoints, even if you don't agree with them.
You are very forgiving. When you love someone,
your love is unconditional.

What Chakra Are You?

You Are the Leader

You are inspiring and uplifting.
You bring out the best in people, through both nurturing and challenging them.

You always can see the big picture in life.
You are very philosophical and deeply spiritual.
You understand people, and you can look at their lives objectively.

You can help others grow and heal.
People feel comforted by your presence.
You help them gain perspective on their lives.

What's Your Life's Mission?

You Are a Prophet Soul

You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.
Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.

Sometimes this faith can lead to disappointment in the long run.
No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.

You are a good interpreter,
very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.
Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.

A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.
You are a great thinker and