EVENT 5/31(金) 21:30〜▶🎬ソロモンの偽証 後篇・裁判 無料放送!

ライブ #223381156

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映画観たりマンガ読んだり落語聴いたりコーヒー飲んだりのスーダラな日々。 趣味は映画、マンガ、時代劇、落語、ベリーダンス(鑑賞)、中近東音楽、仕事の合間のラクガキ、学生に教える、学生に人生を教えられる、学生と行くカラオケ、変わった仕事をしている人の話しを聞く、会った事のない人の似顔絵を他人の証言だけで描く等々、パーティ・宴会大好きですが実は下戸、タバコも吸えず日本茶と和菓子好き。

A lecturer at Director illustrator / comic artist / web / vocational school.  
The days when I watch a movie and read comics and hear rakugo and watch a belly dance and make rice and drink coffee.
The hobby pictures the portrait of a person without having met hearing a movie, comics, a historical drama, rakugo, a belly dance, Near and Middle East music, the comfortable kid of the interval of the work, a karaoke going with a student taught by the student who shows a student it, the story of a different working person only by the testimony of another person and it is a party / banquet size enthusiast, but likes Japanese green tea and a Japanese sweet without can breathe a, in fact, real nondrinker, the cigarette