INFO 学生でも収益化!メンシプU開設で「お茶爆25」が期間限定で登場🍵✨ EVENT 歌声を聴かせて🎤ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん 【歌い手フェス】6/23まで応募受付中!

コメント (12)

can you hear us right now?@kazukun05081
When someone Subscribes to you, a push notification will be sent to that person's device when your live starts.
'Subscribe' is a great way to follow broadcasters that you like.
That's it for now. Have fun!
Tip3 : Ask for continue coins to extend your broadcast for an extra 30 mins!
Tip2 : Talk to your viewers! Ask them to Fan and Subscribe to you.
Tip1: Tap 'No Category' on the right and choose your favorite one so that people can find you.
Welcome to TwitCasting! Here are three quick tips to help your first broadcast!