Live #6935925

Stan Townsend @f:618295689
  • Level 7
  • Fanned 0
This is what life is all about.  Having the freedom as the sea breeze blows through my hair.  Everyday is a Saturday!

I believe I am one of the most honest people you will ever meet in this life time.   I make friends for life.  I value this time we have together.  It goes fast.
I grew up in a small town where a man's word meant everything.
I was a gunner with the 11th Armored Calvary in Viet Nam.  4 Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts.
I fell in love with nutrition while wrestling in high school and college.  Nutrition became a passion.  
Became  certified with the International Sports Sciences in 1993,
Herbology at the Wild Rose College of Natural Healing in Calgary Canada,
Sports Nutrition &  Epidemiology Dr. John Wise U.S. Olympic Training Facility San Diego, California
Dr. Francis Nettle U.S. Navy Seals
Discovered prosperity through Direct Sales.
Advisory Leadership Council helping a company do $43 million dollars the first year, $88 million dollars the second year and $133 million the third year...  
Charter Member launching an Aloe Vera Company working with the International Aloe Vera Science Council.
Joined Sportron Intrernational with Nobel Prize winning formulations and becoming "Enroller of the year" in the last 4 months of the year.

Helped launch the world's first healthy energy drink company doing over $1 million a month.

Charter member launching a weight loss product line which sold over 10 million dollars in 10 months.

Platinum Director and one of top money earners with Xyngular selling over $400,000 in the first 10 days, $650,000 in the first 2 weeks, and over a million dollars in sales the first month.

I now have over 3 decades of experience in nutrition, sports nutrition, and weight loss formulations.  3 Decades of direct sales and marketing.  
I love networking.  I enjoy it so much I will spend the rest of my life teaching the industry to others.  I love helping people.  Finding unique products and making money.
I have tons of energy and love healthy competition.

Right now I am laser focused on the internet and getting new and unique products to the marketplace.  Every day is a learning process.  Join me and we can make a difference.