EVENT 6/28(金) 21:30〜▶🎬たそがれ清兵衛 無料放送!

コメント (238)

@f:1708579716088378 Hope you have a nice night off and relax. I think Aki's work time changed..
@f:1708579716088378 Aki late. Haha. I think it might be her time has change this week.
@antzy28 Fine thank you(^-^)/
@f:1708579716088378 How are you?
@f:1708579716088378 Ozassu, Kobassu! Its cloudy here but warm. I'm ok but sleepy. haha.
@narikko_0317 Goodbye and take care. Hope yuou have a nice relaxing evening. See you tomorrow..
@watanabe_aki かしこまり~ 気をつけて次のご予定へ_| ̄|○)) いってらっしゃいませ
@watanabe_aki Its ok don't worry. Enjoy work and keep safe. I'll do my drawing after. Byebye.
@narikko_0317 Looks like we might be half right.  Schedule change 2day Good to see Aki is safe.
@watanabe_aki Okay. Hope you have nice evening and take care. Great beautiful dance instructor.
sorry. today's Twicas is off. Thank you.
@watanabe_aki 了解です、良い夏を
@narikko_0317 I maybe wonder that too. (awa dancing)
五時半の 時報をつげし 夕べかな
アキちゃんと 一度はしたい 泡踊り(こら
@antzy28 Perhaps, I wonder if dancing the Awa dance?