댓글 (278)

モバイルバッテリー忘れたみたい( ̄◇ ̄;)
アキちゃん徒歩キャスできないか(T . T)
こざっす(^_^)v  着席(^_^)v
I'll say goodbye and good night to you all and take care.
See you nest time / tomorrow.
@_tommy_mitokon_ Ooh thank you very much.
@antzy28 Kobassu,I watched your drawing.It's amusing.I like it.
@_tommy_mitokon_ Kobassu, It was good of Aki-chan to use my drawing with her blog..
Akitchen は引っ越しでネット環境整わず暫くお休みになるそうです。詳細 → ameblo.jp/akizakki/entry-12294375973.h..
@c:narikko_0317 Hello! (Kobassu!)
@narikko_0317 Kobassu! How are you today?
We had thunder and rain last night.
Now ok warm day..
@narikko_0317 @c:narikko_0317 And then have to setup her PC (Mac) and equipment for the show...
@narikko_0317 @c:narikko_0317 Yeah I guess Akitchen will be off today. Things to put away.
it means that Akitchen show can not be done.
Because the net construction of the new studio is undecided,
Akitchen of today is closed because the Internet environment is not in place. #Akitchen
Akitchen of today is closed because the Internet environment is not in place.
Or Maybe Aki got stuck in the box again. www.
Hope Aki is ok and doing well as well..
Test test tweet.
Oh No Akitchen today? Just checking.
Must be too much stuff in kitchen..
Goodbye and take care.
Hope you all have a nice evening and I'll see you tomorrow..